
Organic Land Care Beta Testing


Mason Facilities is excited to announce the launch of a new pilot program centering around organic land care in a 7-acre area surrounding Merten Hall and Petersen Hall on the Fairfax campus. Within the testing site, 100% natural fertilizers and environmentally sensitive, gardening products will be used to measure the environmental and financial impacts and feasibility to the Mason Community. 

The Facilities Management (FM) team is leading this pilot program, which began in Spring 2022, and will be evaluating the viability of “green” landscaping and organic land care for the next three years. During this time, testing will be conducted on landscaping systems and their ability to absorb possible enhanced biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil activity in an organic capacity. "Organic" means landscaping with no synthetic pesticides of any kind (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.) and with no synthetic fertilizers or soil amendments.  

"The site will be routinely monitored, while findings and conditions will be recorded in order to determine the overall effectiveness and prospect of the practices required and how the flora and fauna react,” said Erich Miller, FM Grounds Program Manager.  “These necessary steps are required to provide the most accurate responses. Unfortunately, in this field, it is a rather lengthy process of trial and error, as it will take some time for the soil reactions and changes in plant growth habits to manifest and produce levels that can be recorded and analyzed.”  

Additional efforts tested within the pilot program include, but are not limited to: water conservation, soil testing, inland wetlands and watercourses preservation, lawn maintenance, renovation, organic plant and tree care, and proper disposal for plant residues and other landscaping materials. 

FM is partnering with BrightView, Mason’s contracted landscaping vendor, to ensure testing continues to be in compliance with best landscaping management practices, while showcasing Facilities’ efforts to advance Mason’s mission.  

Once this research program is completed in 2025, Mason Facilities will assess the practicality and feasibility of organic landscaping within the Mason Community. If the trial is successful in its use of organic vs. synthetic landscaping products, the Facilities Department will strive to review and consider, on a case-by-cases basis; a shift away from traditional lawn care practices.  

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GMU SWaM Conference


George Mason University
GMU SWaM Conference
Offices of Contracts & Finance and Purchasing
September 21, 2022


Come join us on September 21, 2022, 10:00 – 1:00 located in the Johnson Center Dewberry Hall on the Fairfax Campus of Mason for a vendor expo, bringing together key contractors, vendors, suppliers and buyers to support better procurement decisions throughout the fiscal year. Faculty and Staff are welcome to attend as well as other localities and state agencies.

Staff from Mason’s Contracts and Purchasing Departments will be available to discuss the needs of Mason. This is an opportunity for both buyers and vendors to strengthen existing relationships as well as to form new relationships/contacts for a varied group of goods and services.

Interested Vendors:

Interested in a table? Registration available through Mason’s Facilities website or follow the link below, until September 15, 2022. There is a $50, non-refundable, registration fee per table. Space with electrical outlet access is limited, please be sure to reserve early.

If you have any questions, email [email protected] for more information.

Note: There may be photographs taken at this event and used in education, news and promotional materials, whether in print, electronic or other media sources. By participating in this event, you grant Mason the right to use your name and photograph for such purposes. All postings become the property of Mason and may be displayed, distributed or used by Mason for said purpose.

Register Here!


August 2022 Facilities Employee of the Month – Daniel Chappell



Celebrating Daniel Chappell as the August 2022 Employee of the Month

Daniel, a Zone 3 team member, is a valued employee who solely conducts and maintains all of George Mason’s ice machines on a monthly basis, along with his regular preventive maintenance HVAC duties. He is always the first to volunteer for holiday and winter break duty, providing Facilities Management with reliable service and maintenance. In addition, Daniel works the night shift and is tasked with addressing the concerns of the entire Fairfax campus HVAC maintenance concerns during the evening.

“A number of staff members have contacted me praising his performance in maintaining and assisting with their maintenance concerns. He is highly recommended for this award for his dedication and commitment to HVAC Maintenance,” said Dwain Wise-Spain, Zone 5 Supervisor for Facilities Management.

Interested in submitting a GMU Facilities Employee of the Month nomination?  Check out the new process here!

Stream Restoration on Fairfax Campus Will Create Scenic Pathway


Work has begun on the “Necklace Phase One and Stream Restoration” project on George Mason University’s Fairfax Campus, Mason Facilities announced.

The project includes the restoration of the main stream channel, as well as adjacent tributaries, beginning at the southwestern corner of the Patriot Circle/Aquia Creek Lane intersection and finishing at the northern end of Mason Pond.

It represents the next phase in Mason’s Master Plan, which is the framework that guides decisions concerning the university’s physical environment.

Illuminated, paved and mulched pedestrian trails will be constructed in addition to the restoration. Once this project is completed in late 2022, the Mason community will be able to enjoy a curated, scenic pathway from the intersection of Patriot Circle/Aquia Creek Lane to Mason Pond Drive.

The restoration process will ensure that Mason continues to be in compliance with state stormwater regulations, which support the revitalization of the Chesapeake Bay, while showcasing Mason’s forward trajectory within the Master Plan. In addition to following these laws, Mason’s goal is to achieve an environmentally sound and aesthetically vitalizing stream restoration for long-term stability and enjoyment.

Natural features and techniques were utilized to develop a design that will mimic the characteristics of a stable, natural environment. Those features will also help stabilize the degraded stream. After removal of invasive foliage, a diverse mix of native vegetation and trees will be planted to reforest and help minimize erosion and improve water quality.

These new features will be a welcome addition to Mason’s nationally accredited Arboretum, which includes labeled outdoor signs on Mason’s campuses with scannable barcodes to its online catalog.

Follow Mason Facilities for more stories like this!

July 2022 Facilities Employee of the Month – Keith “Wally” Wallace


Celebrating Keith “Wally” Wallace as the July 2022 Employee of the Month

Wally puts in a tremendous amount of work to both prepare and execute everything we need to ensure the degree celebrations and Commencement ceremony are a success and that the University looks good.  Wally’s exceptional work ethic and positive attitude make him a pleasure to work with.  He anticipates needs and problems and always makes things happen quickly.  He worked around the clock throughout the week and weekend to be available for our team. 

“I feel like a broken record because after every major University I feel the need to send this note and recognize Keith Wallace for going above and beyond to ensure these events go off flawlessly,” said Rachel Quinn, Assistant Vice President of Operations and University Events, for the Office of University Branding.  “I am so thankful to have his support and don’t know what we would do without him.  He is critical to the success of all of the events.”

Interested in submitting a GMU Facilities Employee of the Month nomination?  Check out the new process here!

June 2022 Facilities Employee of the Month – Joe Wilmer


Celebrating Joe Wilmer as the June 2022 Employee of the Month

Joe has come a long way from starting as an apprentice and upgrading to journeyman level work without supervision. Joe also completes every task without question and stepped up to the plate.  He helps Zone 3 when they were down a plumber.

“I couldn’t ask for a better apprentice and co-worker,” said Jose Lopez.

Joe has consistently demonstrated enthusiastic and knowledgeable participation in all areas of his responsibilities with a positive and professional attitude. Joe has a great working relationship with his colleagues and partnering Zones and is always willing to help out other tradesmen when and where needed, without hesitation or complaints.

Interested in submitting a GMU Facilities Employee of the Month nomination?  Check out the new process here!

Mason Custodial Services

June 2022

The University has adopted a multi-contract approach for campus janitorial services, initiating new contracts with the Budd Group, Golden Gate Service and Evergreen Janitorial on June 1, 2022, and continuing contracts with Building Maintenance Service (BMS) and L&G Exclusive Janitorial, to service Fairfax and Arlington campuses. These organizations were selected in keeping with Mason’s commitment to fair treatment of its employees and those of its contractors in a manner that closely aligns with the University’s values. The SciTech campus will be maintained by Mason employees. 

Mason respects and values everyone’s work at the University and recognizes the important custodial role in keeping the campuses clean and safe. Further, the University expects fair treatment for everyone who works on our campuses, whether they are employed directly by Mason or through a contractor. In 2020, based on dialogue with campus custodial staff, the University commissioned an outside audit of its janitorial services contractor and put a campus janitorial services contract out to bid after 30 years with the same company.

Mason now requires that a contractor’s custodial staff be paid a wage of at least $15.25 per hour, that they be considered employees of the company and not independent contractors, and that all payroll records are electronically processed to ensure everyone is paid fully and on time. Each organization offers competitive hourly compensation and benefits and is responsible for their own compensation structures. 

Against the backdrop of today’s complex and shifting labor market, a mix of service providers and these requirements support the welfare of custodial workers and Mason’s Virginia campuses’ needs.

Commencement Kudos


Shout out to all of the teams in Mason Facilities who went above and beyond to prepare the campus and EagleBank Arena for the Spring 2022 Commencement ceremonies.

Your efforts over the last month have not gone unnoticed.  They are greatly appreciated.

“As always Mason events would not be successful without all of the work Facilities does to make the campus look beautiful, ensure the trash and recycling are managed, items are moved and setup on time, in addition to all of the last minute issues that come up that your team is always quick to address,” said Rachel Quinn, AVP of Mason Operations and University Events.  “Please share my gratitude with waste management, grounds, general service, and Zone 6.”

Thank you again for all the work you do!

Facilities Spring Campus Cleanup

Check out our Instagram Post!

Facilities Spring 2022 Campus Cleanup

On Tuesday, May 5, 2022, our Facilities Management (FM) team members took charge for a Campus Cleanup at the Fairfax, Arlington, and SciTech campuses.  Our Campus Clean up happens annually to pick up trash and debris that has been deposited around the campus grassy and wooded areas over the winter.  This year’s winter was typically windy and although keeping the campus clean throughout the year is routine practice, FM finds “hidden” debris that gets trapped in parking lot perimeter and wooded areas. 

At the Fairfax Campus, the property is divided into 7 distinct areas that are high traffic/high visibility areas that include the edges of campus along Braddock and Ox (Rt. 123) Roads and assigned.  Much of the debris along these areas come from the heavy traffic that passes our campus daily.  As a steward of our properties and the Earth, FM strives to keep these areas clean and separate all the materials retrieved into groups: Items to be recycled and those that can be disposed of as waste. 

The composition of materials collected at the Fairfax campus are as follows:

  • Trash – 316.7 LBS.
  • Recycle 180.5 LBS



May 2022 Facilities Employee of the Month – Angel Washington


Celebrating Angel Washington as the May  Employee of the Month

Angel goes beyond the call of duty to make sure things are right and understands each individual talent. Her compassion for people and her job are outstanding and very professional and so many others enjoy seeing her smiling face entering the Customer Service Center. She’s turned the Customer Service Center into a friendly, helpful place.


Interested in submitting a GMU Facilities Employee of the Month nomination?  Check out the new process here!