
November 2022 Facilities Employee of the Month – Rebecca “Becky” Mirenzi


During her routine check of a campus building’s mechanical equipment, Rebecca "Becky" Mirenzi, a Facilities Management team member, identified and reported a gas leak at Mason’s Beacon Hall, a graduate on-campus housing facility at the Science and Technology Campus.

Becky quickly engaged Mason’s emergency personnel following her discovery of the gas leak – enabling a timely shutdown of the building and an isolation and repair of what was found to be a significant leak.

“Becky’s quick action ensured the safety of the residents of Beacon Hall,” said Ronnie Wells, Zone 2 Supervisor. Rebecca’s attention to detail and commitment to campus safety is well-deserving of this award. She was a crucial part in ensuring the safety of Mason’s SciTech graduate students.

Interested in submitting a GMU Facilities Employee of the Month nomination?  Check out the new process here!

Mason featured in The Princeton Review’s 2023 ‘Guide to Green Colleges’     

On October 25, 2022, The Princeton Review released its 13th annual  Guide to Green Colleges – a resource, published for college applicants, to showcase colleges and universities committed to sustainability-related policies, programs, and practices. The profiles in The Princeton Review’s guide provide information on the institutions’ uses of renewable energy, their recycling and conservation programs, the availability of environmental studies in their academic offerings, and their career guidance for green jobs.   

Since its inception in 2010, Mason has ranked among the nation’s most environmentally responsible colleges. “This is our thirteenth consecutive inclusion in the guide. It is a great testament to the hard work of the University Sustainability team and to sustainability work across the entire university, including academics, operations, and a lot of student, faculty, and staff stakeholders,” said Gregory Farley, Director of University Sustainability.  

It’s no wonder Mason continues to gain recognition for its sustainable efforts. Mason’s commitment to sustainability is a focus supported by the Mason community’s efforts and accomplishments. Over the past year, University Sustainability has made several efforts to further their commitment to a more sustainable future at Mason. Below, are just a few ways Mason is working toward its sustainable goals in 2022.   

  • The Starbucks Northern Neck composting pilot was launched in October as a collaboration between Facilities Management, University Sustainability, and the Patriot Green Fund (PGF), Operations & Business Services and its vendors, and offers the first industrial composting resource available for students, faculty, and staff use. 
  • Mason Exhibitions with the support of Mason Facilities, the Patriot Green Fund (PGF), University Sustainability, and community volunteers, planted 100 native hardwood tree saplings on the Fairfax Campus. The trees will benefit the Mason Arboretum – a nationally accredited collection of trees and woody plants, which can be spotted on Mason’s campuses with labeled signs that include scannable barcodes to its online catalogue.     
  • The installation of hydroponic and aquaponic food production systems was made possible through generous grants from both the Auxiliary Enterprise Management Council, Facilities Administration and the Patriot Green Fund. The staff at the PPG produce approximately 1,000 lbs. of fresh produce annually which raises $10,000 each year that is used to pay for supplies, staff and utilities. Harvests include fresh produce such as herbs, lettuce, and tomatoes.   

The Princeton Review selected 400+ schools for the guide and its ranking list based on 2021-22 data from the company’s surveys of administrators and students attending the colleges.  

The Princeton Review’s timely release of the guide coincides with the 
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)’s annual October event, Campus Sustainability Month. Mason, along with AASHE, participated in a university-wide Sustainability Monthtalk about a great way to close out a month dedicated to sustainable initiatives, programs, and best practices. 

In 2021, AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) awarded Mason a STARS Gold rating, offering recognition for the university’s ongoing commitment to sustainability.   
Mason’s feature on The Princeton Review’s guide can be found here.  





Campus Sustainability Tour



On Tuesday, October 25, 2022, University Sustainability hosted its first Campus Sustainability Tour, showcasing Patriot Green Fund (PGF) projects that have reduced Mason’s environmental impact through innovative student, staff, and faculty efforts. Students, faculty, staff, and community members gathered outside of the Northern Neck Starbucks on the Fairfax campus to begin the tour – the location of a new zero waste station, with industrial composting 

The campus walking tour was led by prominent members of the University Sustainability team, Sarah D’Alexander, PGF Program Manager, Colleen Regan, Zero Waste Specialist, and Benjamin Auger, Sustainability Engagement Coordinator 

The PGF is a $100,000 per year sustainability fund, from Mason Facilities, devoted to making Mason’s campuses more sustainable through infrastructure improvements and research projects. Since its inception in 2011, the PGF has sponsored 100+ projects. Several of Mason’s PGF projects were featured during the walking tour. One sustainable project, highlighted during the tour at Mason’s Innovation Food Forest, was the “Bee Hotel,” a nesting habitat for native bees to safely lay and hatch their eggs. 

The on-campus walking tour highlighted seven sustainability efforts:

  • The Composting Pilot at Northern Neck Starbucks 
  • The George Mason University Arboretum
  • Piedmont Rain Garden 
  • Waste Reduction at Southside 
  • Bird Strike Prevention Research
  • Plastics Reduction 
  • Permaculture at the Innovation Food Forest 

“Overall, the goal of the tour [was] to draw attention to the campus's sustainable infrastructure, as a showcase of the PGF’s impacts at Mason, to inspire future engagement with the program,” said D’Alexander. “It is so impactful to connect with the community and show them what is possible with support from the PGF. These tours highlight ways University Sustainability can equip anyone at Mason with the resources and knowledge needed to make positive change in the pursuit of our shared vision for a more sustainable future." 

Throughout the tour, the University Sustainability team shared valuable information with participants including, but not limited to: proper methods of waste disposal, identification of Mason’s arboretum trees and foliage, Mason’s sustainable community-campus partnerships, the benefits of campus rain gardens, compost, reuse, and plastic reduction efforts, food insecurity initiatives, bird strike prevention, Greenhouse and Gardens program involvement, and engagement opportunities. 

Promoting student involvement and engagement with sustainability is a year-round mission at Mason; however, it is a focal point during October, otherwise known as, Sustainability Month – a month-long series of events, including programs, initiatives, sharing best practices, and building capacity for a more sustainable Mason. Sustainability Month comes to close, but does not end! University Sustainability encourages the Mason Community to continue making an impact, exemplifying our university’s commitment to a just and sustainable future for all. University Sustainability and the PGF are hoping to offer similar opportunities for sustainable engagement in the future.  

Do you have a sustainable project idea? Any current student, faculty, or staff member may apply for funds to support a sustainable project. Start your application by submitting the interest form and a member of the PGF Committee will provide you with one on one support to guide you through the application process. 

Questions? Explore our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.

Contact the PGF via email at [email protected].



Stream Restoration Update

Work continues on the “Necklace Phase One and Stream Restoration” project on George Mason University’s Fairfax Campus.  This project includes the restoration of the main stream channel, as well as adjacent tributaries, beginning at the southwestern corner of the Patriot Circle/Aquia Creek Lane intersection and finishing at the northern end of Mason Pond.

Construction teams have made progress and have almost reached Mason Pond Drive.  The teams are currently performing earthwork and stream bed installation, as well as the installation of natural features, including boulders, rocks, and logs from felled onsite trees.  Lighting for the paved and mulched pedestrian trails is also underway.

The construction phase is projected to be completed in late 2022. Once construction is completed, a diverse mix of native vegetation, shrubs, and trees will be seeded and planted to help minimize erosion and improve water quality.

To read our original announcement, click here.

Launching New Composting Pilot


Zero Waste & Plastics Free Mason: Next Up, Industrial Composting Pilot 

Mason Facilities is excited to announce the launch of a new zero waste station, with industrial composting, located at the Starbucks Northern Neck on the Fairfax campus! 

Mason is aiming for over 90% waste diversion from our trash stream, or to become zero waste. Waste reduction, reuse, and donation, as well as diversion strategies like composting/recycling are needed to support our sustainability goal.  

The Starbucks Northern Neck composting pilot is a collaboration between Facilities Management, University Sustainability, the Patriot Green Fund (PGF), and Operations & Business Services and its vendors, and offers the first industrial composting resource available for students, faculty, and staff use.  This pilot complements existing pre-consumer composting in residential dining halls, as well as coffee grounds composting. Foodservice cups, flatware, etc. at Starbucks Northern Neck were pivoted to third-party certified compostable items, which means now visitors can compost them in addition to food scraps! However, be sure to check items for BPI or CMA eco-labeling, like a certification mark, before composting. #cleancompost 

The Starbucks Northern Neck composting pilot will allow Facilities Management and University Sustainability to test different zero waste strategies to improve Mason’s waste diversion rate, supporting data-driven recommendations for implementing both zero waste design standards, and composting at more campus sites. This pilot also complements Mason’s ‘Buy Less, Buy Better’ Initiative, which supports reduction through reuse, and choosing goods to buy based on their lifecycle impacts and sustainable sourcing. In addition to pivoting campus foodservice items to third-party certified compostable, Mason has also switched to high percent recycled content items (e.g., paper bags or aluminum cans), that are also proven to have high product circularity and recycling rates. 

This zero waste station itself is made of approximately 1,655 reclaimed milk jugs – key to supporting post-consumer recycled (PCR) purchasing mandates – and offers updated zero waste design features like restrictive openings and better bin messaging. The interior pilot station includes the following waste streams: 

  • Glass bottles and jars 
  • Aluminum cans and plastic/aluminum bottles 
  • Paper 
  • Trash 
  • AND Compost 

Mason Facilities Zone 6 team, led by Louis Robinson, installed two zero waste station upgrades for this pilot in August 2022, adding a new compost bin to the Bigbelly solar station on the outdoor patio and a five-stream station inside. Both zero waste station upgrades were funded by the PGF program, which laid the groundwork for the Facilities composting pilot and the previous student led Bigbelly Solar project at this site. Mason Facilities Recycle & Waste Supervisor Kevin Brim will oversee collections and operations at the site in partnership with Mason Dining. University Sustainability and Operations & Business Services and its vendors will support planning, coordination, and data tracking/results. 

This pilot exemplifies Mason’s commitment to a just and sustainable future for all. However, achieving zero waste will take the entire Mason community.  

Join us: refill and/or reuse items whenever possible and take the extra step to properly sort recycling and composting at campus bins. 

October 2022 Facilities Employee of the Month – Ravy Pho


Celebrating Ravy Pho as the October 2022 Employee of the Month

October’s Employee of the Month, Ravy Pho, is a Waste Management and Recycling Worker for Facilities Management at Mason’s Warehouse and Customer Service Center. Ravy is described by his peers as high-performing, reliable, and adaptable. Able to adjust well to change, Ravy often commits to additional work assignments outside of his daily routine. 

“Ravy is an employee with very little words, yet his job performance speaks volumes. He has proven to be a vital asset to our team,” said Kevin Brim, Supervisor for Recycle and Waste Management. 

Due to the nature of his work, Ravy frequently works in various types of weather. His ability to persevere through unfavorable weather conditions and execute tasks has earned the respect of his coworkers. Setting a positive example for others, Ravy continues to demonstrate leadership through his work ethic and performance. 

Interested in submitting a GMU Facilities Employee of the Month nomination? Check out the new process here!

100 Trees Added to Mason


On Saturday, October 1, 2022 Mason Exhibitions, with the support of Mason Facilities, the Patriot Green Fund (PGF), the Office of Sustainability, and community volunteers, planted 100 native hardwood tree saplings on the Fairfax Campus. This event was part of Atlantika Collective’s  current exhibition  at Mason Exhibitions Arlington. The tree planting event on Saturday was part of a socially engaged artwork,  200 Trees: A Performance Action, presented by visiting artist, Katie Kehoe. 

"The Patriot Green Fund thrives on collaborations and this project was a wonderful demonstration of this as it explored the intersection of art and sustainability. The event brought students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members together to enact change that benefits sustainability at Mason. It was a truly mutually beneficial partnership between the Office of Sustainability, Mason Exhibitions, and Facilities Management, which made it an ideal initiative for funding support," said Sarah D’alexander, Sustainability Program Manager.   

The trees will benefit the Mason Arboretum - a nationally accredited collection of trees and woody plants, which can be spotted on Mason’s campuses with labeled signs that include scannable barcodes to its online catalogue  

A big thanks to all the event volunteers for helping restore the native plant species in Virginia and increasing green landscaping at Mason!

In addition to serving the environment, this tree planting event launched the beginning of Mason’s Sustainability Month. During the entire month of October, Mason will celebrate Sustainability Month through sustainable programs and initiatives. From volunteering to helping Mason reduce its environmental impact, there are many ways to get involved. The Office of Sustainability encourages the Mason Community to make an impact, exemplifying our university’s commitment to a just and sustainable future for all.  


University Day Service Awards 2022


Mason is celebrating years of service on November 8 and 9, 2022 at the Fairfax Campus. Thank you for your service, Mason Patriots!

Below, please find a full list of facilities recipients and details regarding the event(s).   

Green Day  (celebrating 5, 10, and 15 years of service) 
Tuesday, Nov. 8 from 9:30 – 11 a.m. 
Dewberry Hall, Fairfax campus 

Gold Day(celebrating 20 – 50 years of service) 
Wednesday, Nov. 9 from 12 – 1:30 p.m. 
Dewberry Hall, Fairfax campus 

Mason Facilities celebrates years of service. The below Mason Patriots are completing milestone work anniversaries.   

Celebrating 5 Years of Service:

Amber Saxton
Rosendo Monsanto
Edgardo Fino
Charles Bobosh
Juma Handon
Charles Rogers
Derek Borzi
Ravy Pho
Johnaton Salcedo
David Kidd
Donielle Nolan

Celebrating 10 Years of Service:

Megan Laures
Breton Leach
Geoffrey Lopez
Gary Robinson
Thomas Drerenberger

Celebrating 15 Years of Service:

Alexander E. Roldan
Steven Pulis
Kevin Brim
Oscar Ferrufino
Erich Miller
Jose Amaya
Gordon Lansdowne
Epifanio Escamilla

Celebrating 20 Years of Service:

Christopher Thorpe
Michael Ruais
James Gentry
Jose Marin
Jose Lopez

Celebrating 25 Years of Service:

James Ewing
George Malenich
Tammy Hanks
Chidi Knight
Paul Foley
Allan Wallace

Celebrating 30 Years of Service:

William Miller
Sandra Houston
Mark McClelland

Celebrating 35 Years of Service:

Archie Nesbitt

Click here to learn more! 

Facilities Fall Prep 2022


“Walking around campus ahead of the first day of school, I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful the campus looked!  Imagining all the parents who would be getting that final drop off selfie with their students, and the clear impression the students would have of our campus as a serious place of learning and growth, I was really grateful to Facilities for our best foot forward.”  -Kenneth D Walsh, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Chief of Staff, Office of the President

During the summer months, in preparation for the start of the fall semester, Mason Facilities runs through an extensive checklist to get all campuses ready.  From landscaping upkeep to classroom refreshes to updating signage, Facilities ensures that each experience on campus is one of quality.  Below are just some examples of how Facilities handles the operations of making Mason run smoothly.

Follow Mason Facilities for more stories like this!

September 2022 Facilities Employee of the Month – Jerome Wallis

Jerome Wallis as the September 2022 Employee of the Month

Jerome, a Power Plant Shift Supervisor, specializes in overnight central heating and cooling. His proactive communication regarding plant issues and concerns contributes to efficient plant operation. Jerome is a highly, selfless supervisor – his willingness to work the night shift enables other employees to maintain their work-life balance.

“In his time at the Central Heating and Cooling Plant (CHCP), Jerome has selflessly given up opportunities for overtime so that other employees could take advantage of such opportunities to support their families,” said Matthew Unger, Boiler Operator for Facilities Management.

Jerome is described by his co-workers as personable, collaborative, and committed to excellence. Jerome also has a reputation for his reliability, especially in difficult situations or emergencies. During the pandemic shutdown, he worked on-site for 12-hour days, and even came in for 4 hours on his day off. Not to mention, he forfeited weekends for an extended period of time to support Mason’s heating and cooling efforts. Jerome’s work ethic inspires and boosts the morale of those around him. He is a great contributor to the Mason Community and highly deserving of this award!

Interested in submitting a GMU Facilities Employee of the Month nomination? Check out the new process here!