
George Mason Updates Field 3 Turf

Special Shoutout to Officer Michael Lighthiser, Deputy Chief, George Mason University Police Department.

Field 3 on the West Campus has received a turf refresh. Check out the beautiful footage captured by the George Mason Police Department!

University Day Service Awards 2024

Mason is celebrating years of service at the Fairfax Campus on November 20 and 21, 2024 in Dewberry Hall, Johnson Center. Thank you for your service, Mason Patriots!

Please find a full list of Facilities recipients and details regarding the event(s) below.   

Gold Day (Celebrating 20+ years of service)
Wednesday, November 20, 2024 @ 12PM - 1:30PM

Green Day (Celebrating 5, 10, 15 years of service)
Thursday, November 21, 2024 @ 9AM - 10:30PM

Celebrating 5 Years of Service

Deliah Arrington
Zemedkun Azene
Thomas Bergeron
Grace Casis
Daniel Chappell
Kenneth Darby
Travis Hicks
Karla King
Amanda Westenberger
Jacquelyn Krehbiel
Carlos Figaroore
Douglas Victor
Abu Monjer

Celebrating 10 Years of Service

Heewa Arya
Roy Barrett
Jayjay Castillo
Richard Coulson
Jonathan Mathus
Ryan Rue
Frank Spengler
Haro Wako
Jerome Wallis
Dwain Wise-Spain
Yvette Del Gallo
Chi Nguyen
Kwame Adomako
Christine Powell

Celebrating 15 Years of Service

John Fahey
Quenton Justice
Amanda Meiklejohn
James Patterson
Fausto Diaz
Guillermo Vela

Celebrating 20 Years of Service

Thomas Benner
Venton Chaney
Omar Fernandez
Jerry Lang
Fredy Lima
Keith Wallace
Robert Herman

Celebrating 25 Years of Service

Matthew Johnson
Vincent Ownens
Greg Rahimzadeh
John Lowes

Celebrating 30 Years of Service

Edward Johnson

Celebrating 40 Years of Service

Deena Treague

Click here to learn more!

CHCP Cooling Tower Install

George Mason Facilities has reached a new milestone on the Fairfax campus's Central Heating and Cooling Plant (CHCP)! The CHCP has undergone its first major step in a two-year project of installing a new chiller, a cooling tower, and a boiler. The project is due to be completed in late 2026/early 2027. 

August 2024 Facilities Employee of the Month – Ronnie Williams

Congratulations to Ronnie Williams, electronic technician supervisor/building automation supervisor, for being recognized as the August 2024 Employee of the Month! Williams was nominated by DJ Spaulding, Energy & Utility Manager.

Williams has consistently displayed unwavering dedication, strong leadership, and high expertise in his position, which has played an important role in keeping our campus operations as smooth as possible. 

“Ronnie and his team have been a tremendous asset in identifying and implementing energy conservation projects.” Says Spaulding. “Their efforts have not only uncovered opportunities for significant cost savings but have also contributed to our campus’s journey towards greater sustainability with innovative ideas for enhanced automated control.” 

Williams also effectively leads a small yet highly effective team and manages a diverse range of tasks, including everyday requests and complex projects.

Interested in submitting a GMU Facilities Employee of the Month nomination? Check out the new process here!

Facilities Partners With School Of Art to Donate Rain Barrel

Photo Credit: Jorge Bañales, Photo Lab Tech, Photography, College of Visual and Performing Arts
Story Credit: Yassmin Salem Program Manager, Mason Exhibitions, College of Visual and Performing Arts

Mason Facilities, Murals at Mason, and Mason Exhibitions are collaborating again! 

A 55-gallon rainwater collection barrel is now the newest addition to the School of Art's Sculpture Studio Yard. The collected rainwater will irrigate a variety of non-edible plants emerging in sculptural form from the nearby drainpipe and other artistic additions to the barrel. The barrel will be decorated and painted by two Mason alumnae along with many volunteers during the upcoming 9/11 Day of Service.

Facilities Land Development team members, who are also responsible for stormwater management, generously provided the rainwater barrel and are sharing their expertise with the project team. This unique initiative supports their goals of public outreach, education, involvement, and participation. The installation is also supported by Facilities Zone 6's plumbing experts. 

Mason Facilities is a proud partner of the Institute for a Sustainable Earth's (ISE) Mason as a Living Lab initiative, utilizing the George Mason campus environment and socio-environmental system as spaces and places of experimentation, research, and education. 

A photo-op during the most recent (7/24) Lunch Project meeting, an initiative led by Ben Ashworth, Sculpture Studio Supervisor, to inspire collaboration, community, and connection to advance impactful, transdisciplinary projects. 

New Procedures for Trash Collection and Cleaning in Campus Offices

George Mason University is implementing new procedures for trash collection and cleaning in campus offices. These changes support the university's efforts to increase efficiency and cut costs. Starting on August 1, 2024, these changes will go into effect in university offices at the Fairfax, Mason Square, and Science and Technology campuses:

  • Faculty and staff will be responsible for emptying the individual trash can in their workspace into larger trash receptacles in common areas. Housekeeping staff will no longer empty personal trash cans located at desks/cubicles/private offices.
  • Workspaces/offices will be cleaned weekly.

Common spaces and high traffic areas will be cleaned daily, and trash will be removed from common area trash receptacles at least once daily. The cleaning schedule will not change in classrooms, labs, restrooms, kitchens, and common areas.  

These changes are being implemented after a pilot program was conducted on the SciTech Campus and in Merten Hall on the Fairfax Campus during the 2023–24 academic year.


July 2024 Facilities Employee of the Month – Karim El Mekhfioui

Congratulations to Karim El Mekhfioui, General Maintenance II, Zone 4 for being recognized as the July 2024 Employee of the Month! Mekhfioui was nominated by Said Bouiftilen, Facilities Management Housing Manager.

Mekhfioui has made a significant impact on his team by being readily available and is "so dedicated to the mission, vision, and the values of the organization." He frequently volunteers during breaks and responds quickly to situations both after hours and on weekends. "Mekhfioui provides an extraordinary and professional example of Facilities Management's commitment to service, safety, and everyday operations of the George Mason University community." Says Bouiftnonr.

Mekhfioui is also known to excel in difficult situations and his passion, ambition, and willingness to go the extra mile have led to a positive impact on the services provided by Mason Facilities. 

Interested in submitting a GMU Facilities Employee of the Month nomination? Check out the new process here!

June 2024 Facilities Employee of the Month – Marcus Lambert


Congratulations to Marcus Lambert, General Maintenance Technician II, for being recognized as the June 2024 Employee of the Month! Marcus was nominated by Zone 3 supervisor, Jose Lopez.

Marcus is "a good collaborator, and effectively supports his supervisor when work-related parts are needed to be ordered" says Lopez. Marcus consistently completes his work orders in a timely manner while demonstrating a positive attitude. Marcus is also extremely helpful to his colleagues and assists them without hesitation.

Interested in submitting a GMU Facilities Employee of the Month nomination? Check out the new process here!

Earth Month 2024 Recap

In April 2024, Mason Facilities, University Sustainability, and their university partners celebrated Earth Month! Here are a few highlights from the events that took place during the month. Remember that you can celebrate the Earth, all year round – not just in April! Thank you for helping us #sustainMASON

Earth Month 2024 Highlights:

  • Earth Month 2024 Video:  In partnership with Mason Student Government, a long-form video and a series of reels were produced to encourage on-campus sustainability actions and educate about different ways we can all be more sustainable on campus.
  • Land Development Earth Day Stream Cleanup:
  • Mason Facilities’ Land Development Team hosted a Stream Cleanup event on April 22. Participants picked up litter around the Mason Pond area. This year, over 20 pounds of trash and recyclables were collected!
  • Wellness Walk: Steps to Plant Trees: Hosted by Mason Facilities, University Sustainability, and University Dining, the Wellness Walk: Steps to Plant Trees was a collection of three events consisting of tours around Mason's food-producing sites, discovering the sustainability features around campus, and planting trees in Presidents Park, and around the Johnson Center.
  • Sustainable Cooking Event: University Sustainability offered a hands-on, Residence Hall Cooking 101 event in April. The event took place Friday, April 19th in the Art & Design building and provided students with cooking tutorials on making tasty meals in residence halls!
  • Bioblitz 2024: Hosted by University Sustainability’s Greenhouse & Gardens program, Bioblitz is a month-long event to assess Mason's biodiversity. This month, two animal ID workshops took place to learn about the birds and frogs around Mason Pond.
  • Farmer's Market: A Farmer's Market featuring a variety of local and regional vendors, student groups and organizations tabling to educate Mason Patriots about appropriate waste disposal.
  • Mason Facilities Complex Tour: This month, Mason Facilities held a tour of the Facilities complex. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the the 24-hour operations that keep Mason campuses thriving.
  • Bike to Mason: In partnership with Parking & Transportation to encourage sustainable commuting, Bike to Mason was a 3-day event on all Mason campuses, including Mason Korea.
  • Patriot Packout 2024: Patriot Packout (PPO) has begun and is currently ongoing until May 10th! Donate like-new and gently used items at various locations on the Fairfax campus. Volunteer signups are still available.

Residence Hall Cooking 101 Highlights

University Sustainability’s Greenhouse and Gardens Program hosted the Residence Hall Cooking 101 as one of the Earth Month 24 events. The event took place Friday, April 19th, and provided students with cooking tutorials on making meals in residence halls.