August 2022 Facilities Employee of the Month – Daniel Chappell



Celebrating Daniel Chappell as the August 2022 Employee of the Month

Daniel, a Zone 3 team member, is a valued employee who solely conducts and maintains all of George Mason’s ice machines on a monthly basis, along with his regular preventive maintenance HVAC duties. He is always the first to volunteer for holiday and winter break duty, providing Facilities Management with reliable service and maintenance. In addition, Daniel works the night shift and is tasked with addressing the concerns of the entire Fairfax campus HVAC maintenance concerns during the evening.

“A number of staff members have contacted me praising his performance in maintaining and assisting with their maintenance concerns. He is highly recommended for this award for his dedication and commitment to HVAC Maintenance,” said Dwain Wise-Spain, Zone 5 Supervisor for Facilities Management.

Interested in submitting a GMU Facilities Employee of the Month nomination?  Check out the new process here!