
September 2022 Facilities Employee of the Month – Jerome Wallis

Jerome Wallis as the September 2022 Employee of the Month

Jerome, a Power Plant Shift Supervisor, specializes in overnight central heating and cooling. His proactive communication regarding plant issues and concerns contributes to efficient plant operation. Jerome is a highly, selfless supervisor – his willingness to work the night shift enables other employees to maintain their work-life balance.

“In his time at the Central Heating and Cooling Plant (CHCP), Jerome has selflessly given up opportunities for overtime so that other employees could take advantage of such opportunities to support their families,” said Matthew Unger, Boiler Operator for Facilities Management.

Jerome is described by his co-workers as personable, collaborative, and committed to excellence. Jerome also has a reputation for his reliability, especially in difficult situations or emergencies. During the pandemic shutdown, he worked on-site for 12-hour days, and even came in for 4 hours on his day off. Not to mention, he forfeited weekends for an extended period of time to support Mason’s heating and cooling efforts. Jerome’s work ethic inspires and boosts the morale of those around him. He is a great contributor to the Mason Community and highly deserving of this award!

Interested in submitting a GMU Facilities Employee of the Month nomination? Check out the new process here!