
Space-Related University Committees

Space Administration Committee (SAC)

Review/approve any new space request involving:

  • 3,000 + ASF
  • 10 or more individual spaces
  • Change of use of original funded/approved use (ex. Dining to academic use)
  • Any space request for 3rd party/outside organizations
  • Space assignment that requires $1M or higher to support

Space Working Group (SWG)

Review/approve new space requests that fall below the thresholds requiring SAC approval

Academic Space Planning Subcommittee (ASPS)

Review new academic space requests and make recommendations for option(s) to meet need to SWG

Research Space Subcommittee (RSS)

Review new research space requests and make recommendations for option(s) to meet need to SWG

Public Space Subcommittee (PSS)

Review requests for exterior land use or installation requests within public/common use areas of buildings and make recommendation for option(s) to SWG