Facilities Spring Campus Cleanup

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Facilities Spring 2022 Campus Cleanup

On Tuesday, May 5, 2022, our Facilities Management (FM) team members took charge for a Campus Cleanup at the Fairfax, Arlington, and SciTech campuses.  Our Campus Clean up happens annually to pick up trash and debris that has been deposited around the campus grassy and wooded areas over the winter.  This year’s winter was typically windy and although keeping the campus clean throughout the year is routine practice, FM finds “hidden” debris that gets trapped in parking lot perimeter and wooded areas. 

At the Fairfax Campus, the property is divided into 7 distinct areas that are high traffic/high visibility areas that include the edges of campus along Braddock and Ox (Rt. 123) Roads and assigned.  Much of the debris along these areas come from the heavy traffic that passes our campus daily.  As a steward of our properties and the Earth, FM strives to keep these areas clean and separate all the materials retrieved into groups: Items to be recycled and those that can be disposed of as waste. 

The composition of materials collected at the Fairfax campus are as follows:

  • Trash – 316.7 LBS.
  • Recycle 180.5 LBS