
Earth Month 2024 Recap

In April 2024, Mason Facilities, University Sustainability, and their university partners celebrated Earth Month! Here are a few highlights from the events that took place during the month. Remember that you can celebrate the Earth, all year round – not just in April! Thank you for helping us #sustainMASON

Earth Month 2024 Highlights:

  • Earth Month 2024 Video:  In partnership with Mason Student Government, a long-form video and a series of reels were produced to encourage on-campus sustainability actions and educate about different ways we can all be more sustainable on campus.
  • Land Development Earth Day Stream Cleanup:
  • Mason Facilities’ Land Development Team hosted a Stream Cleanup event on April 22. Participants picked up litter around the Mason Pond area. This year, over 20 pounds of trash and recyclables were collected!
  • Wellness Walk: Steps to Plant Trees: Hosted by Mason Facilities, University Sustainability, and University Dining, the Wellness Walk: Steps to Plant Trees was a collection of three events consisting of tours around Mason's food-producing sites, discovering the sustainability features around campus, and planting trees in Presidents Park, and around the Johnson Center.
  • Sustainable Cooking Event: University Sustainability offered a hands-on, Residence Hall Cooking 101 event in April. The event took place Friday, April 19th in the Art & Design building and provided students with cooking tutorials on making tasty meals in residence halls!
  • Bioblitz 2024: Hosted by University Sustainability’s Greenhouse & Gardens program, Bioblitz is a month-long event to assess Mason's biodiversity. This month, two animal ID workshops took place to learn about the birds and frogs around Mason Pond.
  • Farmer's Market: A Farmer's Market featuring a variety of local and regional vendors, student groups and organizations tabling to educate Mason Patriots about appropriate waste disposal.
  • Mason Facilities Complex Tour: This month, Mason Facilities held a tour of the Facilities complex. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the the 24-hour operations that keep Mason campuses thriving.
  • Bike to Mason: In partnership with Parking & Transportation to encourage sustainable commuting, Bike to Mason was a 3-day event on all Mason campuses, including Mason Korea.
  • Patriot Packout 2024: Patriot Packout (PPO) has begun and is currently ongoing until May 10th! Donate like-new and gently used items at various locations on the Fairfax campus. Volunteer signups are still available.