
Sustainable Print Studio

Cartoon Art Credit: Sylvia Rossi
Check out the Instagram video!


The School of Art’s Print and Book Arts studio is repositioning its practices and curriculum towards an environmentally friendly and sustainable future!

Christopher Kardambikis, assistant professor and director of printmaking and book arts, was determined to pivot and focus his operations and curriculum on printmaking processes that are non-toxic, energy efficient, and supportive of the repurposing of paper scraps into new, usable sheets.

In Fall 2022, Kardambikis was awarded $20,000 of support from the Office of Sustainability’s Patriot Green Fund – a grant from Mason Facilities that allows the campus community to contribute to solutions that reduce Mason’s environmental impact – for the purchase of a new Risograph printer to help fulfill his sustainable vision. This machine uses a stencil based and single-color printing process, which prepares students for commercial printing applications. It is ENERGY STAR certified and uses 95% less energy than photocopiers. It also does not produce greenhouse gases or any air pollutants.

"The Sustainable Print Studio has been working to bring student publications to the center of our work and our curriculum,” said Kardambikis.   “It's exciting to provide the Risograph machine as a tool for our students to print and distribute their own comics, zines, books, and prints. It's even better to know that they are using a process that is environmentally clean and responsible!”

In addition, the Patriot Green Fund also purchased new moulds and deckles for the studio, which are used for papermaking. This allows students to learn about the processes of creating new sheets of paper from a blended pulp of leftover paper scraps in a hands-on environment. The Print Studio holds weekly papermaking sessions to recycle old prints and previously used paper into fresh, new sheets to be used during class.

“Our studio is building a full life cycle of materials - with students participating in every step of production to transform refuse materials into finely crafted books and comics,” explained Kardambikis.

This performs several functions:

  1. The studio can recycle all paper used in the class to keep a constant supply of new, hand-formed paper available for fine art printing.
  2. The class-made paper reduces the cost of printmaking for our students, normally a large expense in screen printing and wood block printing.
  3. The program allows students to be directly involved in the production of materials that can be used by the entire class, building a shared sense of community.

These tools have been promptly used during a new spring 2022 course, “Dynamic Publishing: Comics Production” (AVT 496). This class provides unique opportunities for students to learn from a local D.C. based cartoonist, Adam Griffiths. The Risograph will support the production of his new graphic novel and will be printed, designed, and distributed by the students in the course. In addition to this, students have the chance to gain feedback and mentorship from Griffiths as they produce their own comics during the class.

This project created a curriculum-wide effort to develop a circular flow of materials, while reducing Mason’s energy usage, to support a “Healthy Planet!”

Arboretum Tree Planting


In Spring 2022, a small team of students used the Patriot Green Fund to enhance the diversity of The Honeybee Pollinator Garden. This garden sits outside of Roberts House on the Mason Fairfax Campus and is collaboratively supported by the Office of Sustainability’s Greenhouse & Gardens Program and Facilities Management’s Grounds Department. This space serves as a biodiverse pollinator haven, including the bees currently residing in the Honeybee Initiative’s apiary.  
To further compliment this initiative, student volunteers interested in learning about Mason’s trees and gardens, assisted in planting three native American Persimmon trees on April 8, 2022. The trees will be included as new additions to the Mason Arboretum - a nationally accredited collection of trees and woody plants, which can be spotted on Mason’s campuses with labeled signs that include scannable barcodes to its online catalogue. Once the trees reach maturity they will have vibrant blossoms in the spring, and with the help of the pollinators, produce sweet and edible fruit in the fall.   
The trees, supplies, and coordination for this planting event were donated by Facilities Management  in support of the Arboretum’s mission: “To cultivate curiosity, education, and wellbeing through stewardship of its trees, gardens, and other natural spaces.”    

“Student and community planting events such as this are crucial to our programming here at Mason, as they ensure our responsibility to provide continued education, awareness, and stewardship of our natural environment,” said Erich Miller, Certified Arborist and Mason Facilities Management Grounds Program Manager.  “We hope that the skills and information passed on to the students will resonate, not only here on our campus grounds, but wherever their paths may lead.”

You can support future tree planting events at Mason by donating or giving your time to help. Reach out to learn more at [email protected]. 

Keith “Wally” Wallace: 2022 Goldie and Diane Hattery Award Winner


Keith “Wally” Wallace has received the Goldie and Diane Hattery Award for Excellence.

In his nomination, Wally is described as an employee who goes above and beyond to help his team in university events and all other offices on campus. A true member of the Mason community, Wally is the first one on campus and the last to leave during graduations, nominators noted.

Please join us in congratulating Wally on his much deserved win!

April 2022 Facilities Employee of the Month – Ronnie Wells


Celebrating Ronnie Wells on being Facilities’ April Employee of the month. He was nominated by Kristal Miller, Anastasia Triplett, and Susie Mueller.

Ronnie is always quick to respond to any concerns or maintenance reports that are sent to him regardless of the time of day. He has responded to multiple pipe leaks and floods and stayed to help clean up all of the water. Some examples include:

  • Him and his team worked diligently throughout the weekend to fix the hot water heater that broke at the residence hall.
  • He replaced all of the exterior door sweeps due to multiple snakes entering the building underneath the doors. He’s highly motivated, creative, and eager to fix things.
  • When a student dropped a necklace behind the toilet in her dorm room and it somehow fell in between the toilet and the wall. The young lady was very upset because her aunt gave her the necklace and unfortunately the aunt died. Ronnie went above and beyond when one of his coworkers failed in getting to the necklace. When Ronnie heard that it wasn’t recovered he stepped in and removed the whole toilet and he found the student’s necklace. We thought it would be a lovely idea if Ronnie give her the necklace. Tearfully she thanked him and told him it meant the world to her to get it back and how grateful she is to him to go to through all the trouble.
  • When Ronnie was leaving after his shift, he noticed a student in the parking lot was having car trouble. There was no hesitation whatever in Ronnie helping the student and he was able to get the car started.

No matter how bad of a day he had or how tired, Ronnie’s focus on quality customer-service is unprecedented. He always has a smile on his face and a willingness to help. Whenever there are projects requested by the Executive Director, Ronnie is specifically requested because of his workmanship and attention to detail. In addition, on numerous occasions Ronnie has come in after-hours to help address emergency situations. He has been an excellent resource for SMSC and it is reassuring to know that everyone can count on him to help address the facility needs.
Ronnie’s work ethic is off the charts. He gives 100+% to any and all jobs. Ronnie possesses a “can do and then some” attitude. He is always upbeat and ready to help in any way he can. The level of which he cares about his job is inspiring. At the drop of a hat he is there for us at the Front Royal campus.
Many, many times people have had to call in the evening and weekends for him to come and fix something and his answer is always, “I’ll be there shortly.” For many, if Ronnie works on any work order, they do not need to wonder if it has been done right. He is extremely communicative. He lets everyone know that he received the work order and when he plans on coming out to address it. Also, he will follow up with what plan of action he had to take to complete the task.
Ronnie is cordial and warm to everyone he comes in contact with: just the other day he mentioned again that “It’s all about the students.” During the pandemic when everyone was safe at home, facilities personnel had to work to make sure the campus buildings were operating. To many they are the unsung heroes of the university. It is the norm for faculty to be recognized but without the hard work of facilities to keep the wheels in motion, the university would not function.

Construction kick-off on Arlington Campus the ‘start of something big’

Story by Damian Cristodero

The first steps of the construction project that will reshape and reimagine George Mason’s Arlington Campus are scheduled to begin this week, weather permitting.

“This is the start of something big for Mason,” Carol Kissal, Mason’s senior vice president for administration and finance. “And when it’s done, it will have fundamentally changed our campus, as well as the broader Arlington community.”

The action won’t be dramatic at first, said Cathy Pinskey, program director at Mason Facilities, but will ramp up over time, given that the scope

of the $235 million renovation includes construction of an approximately 400,000-square-foot building on the site of the old Kann’s department store that will support Mason’s School of Computing and other innovative ecosystems.

Construction fencing will be reconfigured, primarily by the driveway of the FDIC building. There will also be some excavation for sheeting and shoring, and preparation of the site for the new building with relocation of an existing underground storm pipe.

A water line and electric line will be relocated, and drilling for “soldier beams” to support the sheeting and shoring will begin, perhaps later in the month, Pinskey said.

“There may be some noise. You may feel some vibrations,” Pinskey said. “But it’s all safe and done in compliance with rules and requirements. The reality is, the end result will be worth it.”